A quick powershell function to use Robocopy to delete a full directory.

Deleting folders using Robocopy is a quicker, more robust method of deleting directories. It can also deal with the ‘path too long’ issue encountered by File Explorer’s directory deletion.

function RoboDelete{
param (
##– generate a randomly named folder –##
$randomString = -join ((48..57) + (97..122) | Get-Random -Count 32 | % {[char]$_})
##– make the empty directory –##
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $randomString -Verbose
$emptyDirectory = Get-Item -Path $randomString -Force -Verbose
$emptyDirectory.Attributes = 'Hidden'
##– robocopy delete the directory –##
Robocopy.exe $randomString $Path /MIR /MT:128
##– delete the empty directory –##
Remove-Item -Path $randomString -Force -Verbose -Recurse
##– delete the now empty directory we were deleting –##
Remove-Item -Path $Path -Force -Verbose -Recurse
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RoboDelete -Path <path-to-folder>
Categories: Powershell


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