Looking at moving away from purchased certificate towards free Let’s Encrypt generated certificates, Lansweeper posed a bit of an issue when using ISS Express
Following Lansweeper’s SSL instructions to automate the process, a certificate would need to be generated, installed and then it’s thumbprint added to a config file.
The below Powershell script uses Posh-ACME with Cloudflare DNS verification to generate the certificate and then regex replaces the certificate’s thumbprint in the Lansweeper config file.
1 Comment
Zach H · December 28, 2020 at 7:42 pm
I found this blog post because a client of mine wanted to migrate away from the (now annual) cert renewal with our university CA to something that could be automated, so naturally I turned to letsencrypt. Just a heads up for any users who have lansweeper set up on windows server using the full IIS system, rather than IIS express, you can use the github project win-acme, and if port 80 is open, the http-01 verification method, to do this as well. We were already using IIS, so win-acme was a very easy and straightforward method.